ISSN: 2241-6692


This is a call for expressions of interest in hosting/organising the 5th Contemporary Greek Film Cultures
conference in 2023 at your institution. This conference will mark the 10-year anniversary of the event, which has regularly brought together Greek Film Studies scholars from around the world.

The fourth Contemporary Greek Film Cultures international conference: Cultural Neighbourhoods and Co-productions in South East Europe and Beyond, took place in August 2020, and was hosted online at the University of Macedonia by Eleni Sideri. Amid COVID-19 travel restrictions and lockdowns, the organisers delivered a truly inspiring event, which has helped further expand our understanding of Greek Film Cultures and added to the successes of the preceding international conferences (University of Vienna, Vienna 2018, University of Washington, Seattle 2015 and Universities of Reading and Glasgow, London 2013). Browse the conference’s social media page for further information on all the events.

Contemporary Greek Film Cultures has established itself as a regular feature in the Greek Film Studies calendar internationally, thanks to your support. The aim is to bring together the international community of Greek film scholars to share and discuss new research in the field every 2-3 years, at a different location each time. In addition, every conference is followed by at least one publication of selected, peer-reviewed papers, expanding and enriching the bibliographical corpus of Greek Film Studies in English. Most of all, this is an initiative that seeks to enhance collaborations and networking between scholars with interest in Greek cinema, as well as to become a bridge between industry and academia, sparking productive dialogues (in all conferences so far, key industry professionals have participated with keynote addresses, Q&As, screenings of their work).

Please contact the curator of the conference, Tonia Kazakopoulou, using the following email address to submit your interest in hosting the next meeting of Greek film scholars. In your email, please propose a theme and indicate how you would seek to fund the organisation of the conference, whether your institution would agree/has already agreed to support such an enterprise, and a
rough timeline for the event. Logistical support, or other help you may need, can be provided.

Please write to: by the 15th October 2022 using the subject line 'CGFC 2023' . Do not hesitate to contact me any time before that if you have further queries, using the email address above. And do feel free to share this call with your networks and colleagues.