ISSN: 2241-6692

Issue 8, September 2023

Righteous Images, Moralizing Screens: Censorship in the 20th Century Revisited

edited by Maria Chalkou, Christos Triantafyllou


Filmicon: Journal of Greek Film Studies is a bilingual (English and Greek), peer-reviewed, open-access, online journal edited primarily by independent scholars and published by ‘Eurasia Publications’, Athens. More


Filmicon warmly welcomes proposals for guest-edited Special Issues on relevant topics provided that they follow the peer review policy of the journal. To submit proposals for guest-edited Special Issues, please check here.


Filmicon invites a variety of original contributions in either English or Greek (or in both languages): articles, book reviews, film reviews, translations, bibliographies, filmographies, interviews, conference and film festival reports that have not previously appeared in any other published form (print or online). Please note that manuscripts that are under review at any other journal or collective volume cannot be considered. Manuscripts can be submitted at any time. For Special Issues, however, specific deadlines will be announced that will run alongside Filmicon’s open call. To submit a manuscript for consideration, please check here.


The special issue of Filmicon “Strategies of the Documentary” seeks to address the diverse aesthetic, historical, medial, and theoretical connections between moving images and all possible aspects of the ‘documentary.’ In light of the many facets of this key term, the issue does not confine itself to practices or traditions of documentary cinema in Greece. It rather explores the multiple cinematic acts and modes of registering, representing, evidencing, authenticating, certifying, and instructing. It discusses the indexical nature of photography and the digital image, the factual as well as fictional functions of audio-visual recording, the archival status of documentary film in Greece, its ideologies, deceptions, and omissions, the filmic depiction of documentation processes, the documents presented on-screen or lost in the Mediterranean Sea. This thematic focus responds to three interrelated circumstances: ... More

27 Sep 2018

Filmicon: Journal of Greek Film Studies is now accepting new blog posts. We welcome original pieces, interviews, articles, film reviews, book reviews, etc about Greek film, television and audiovisual culture. The blog posts range between 1500-3000 words and can be written either in English or Greek (or both language).

For our submission guidelines please click here.

Please send your blog post to Mikela Fotiou at or at


Τα Τμήματα Επικοινωνίας, Μέσων & Πολιτισμού (Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο), Τεχνών Ήχου & Εικόνας (Ιόνιο Πανεπιστήμιο) και Arts du Spectacle (Université de Poitiers, Γαλλία) σας προσκαλούν για δήλωση συμμετοχής και υποβολή περιλήψεων στο Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο «Η κινηματογραφική κριτική στην Ελλάδα: Ιστορικές και μεθοδολογικές προσεγγίσεις» που θα λάβει χώρα στο Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο στην Αθήνα στις 21-23 Νοεμβρίου 2024. Για αναλυτικές πληροφορίες εδώ.

Gender-based violence has always existed as an urgent point of discussion in global and Greek feminist movements, and from time to time acquired prominence in public debate, informing political and legislative contexts and cultural production.

In recent years, feminicide hasreached epidemic proportions in Greece. The rise in violence against women and feminicide has beensometimes framed as being a consequence of socio-political and financial crises, or the result of unprecedented restrictionsand pressures due to the pandemic;and has even reigniteda public ‘debate’ in some of the popular press reporting on right wing political views, with deeply misogynist roots, on whether to recognise the killing of women by men as feminicide at all.

At the same time, movements such as #MeToo in Greece and feminist activism have sought to resist misogynist narratives and push back against long-standing masculinist systems of oppression and violence. [...]

This is a call for expressions of interest in hosting/organising the 5th Contemporary Greek Film Cultures
conference in 2023 at your institution. This conference will mark the 10-year anniversary of the event, which has regularly brought together Greek Film Studies scholars from around the world.

The fourth Contemporary Greek Film Cultures international conference: Cultural Neighbourhoods and Co-productions in South East Europe and Beyond, took place in August 2020, and was hosted online at the University of Macedonia by Eleni Sideri. Amid COVID-19 travel restrictions and lockdowns, the organisers delivered a truly inspiring event, which has helped further expand our understanding of Greek Film Cultures and added to the successes of the preceding international conferences (University of Vienna, Vienna 2018, University of Washington, Seattle 2015 and Universities of Reading and Glasgow, London 2013). Browse the conference’s social media page for further information on all the events.

Contemporary Greek Film Cultures has established itself as a regular feature in the Greek Film Studies calendar internationally, thanks to your support. The aim is to bring together the international community of Greek film scholars to share and discuss new research in the field every 2-3 years, at a different location each time. In addition, every conference is followed by at least one publication of selected, peer-reviewed papers, expanding and enriching the bibliographical corpus of Greek Film Studies in English. Most of all, this is an initiative that seeks to enhance collaborations and networking between scholars with interest in Greek cinema, as well as to become a bridge between industry and academia, sparking productive dialogues (in all conferences so far, key industry professionals have participated with keynote addresses, Q&As, screenings of their work). [...]