Yvonne Kosma in an Assistant Professor at ACT and holds a PhD in Sociology of Culture. She has also taught at various departments at Greek Universities, amongst others at the Department of Film Studies. She has published several book chapters and articles in peer reviewed journals, and she has participated in numerous international conferences in the field. She is co-author of the book Ag(r)ia Paidia: Oriothetiseis tis Paidikis Ilikias sto Logo [Savage/Saintly children: The discursive limits of childhood], Thessaloniki: Epikentro, which is a critique of classical structuralist socialisation theories through representations of childhood in literature. She is also co-editor of the book Theoria tou Logou: Dimiourgikes Efarmoges [Discourse Theory: Creative Applications] Athens: Dardanos-Gutenberg. She is a reviewer for the Journal of Youth Studies and Gender and Education.